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Solve an Easy Words With Friends Solo Challenge

Are you wanting to play a game of words with friends solo challenge but don't know what it is? You're in luck, this article will walk you through what a solo challenge is and how to play one.

What is Words with Friends Solo Challenge?

A Word With Friends Solo Challenge is when you are playing by yourself against the computer. This means that no one else can join your game or give you any help on what letters they think should be added next. There are two ways to play Words With Friends Solo Challenge: Quick Play and Mastery Level. To start playing word games, all you need to do is type "words" into your phone's search box!


How to Play Words with Friends Solo Challenge?

To play a solo challenge in Words With Friends, you first need to know what type of solo challenge you would like to play. There are two options: Quick Play and Mastery Level.

Quick Play is a great way for beginners to start playing the Solo Challenge as it offers easier words with fewer points needed to win. In order to start a game in Quick Play, all you have to do is enter the word "words" into your phone's search bar.

Mastery Level, on the other hand, will be a challenge for even the most experienced words with friends players out there! To start playing Mastery level you need at least 100 games played and won by yourself on your account. Once these requirements are met, go into the play menu of what words game you would like to play solo challenge in, select "Mastery > Solo Challenge" from the list of options available.


From there, a screen will appear that looks similar to the Words with Friends board game. The computer will start by playing a word and it is your job to find one that is higher in points and beat the computer. If you are able to, the game is yours! If not, the computer will keep playing words until it either wins or you concede.

How can I achieve a Mastery Level in Words with Friends?

To achieve a Mastery Level in Words With Friends, there are a few requirements that must be met. You must have at least one hundred games played and won by yourself on your account. Once these requirements are met, go into the play menu of what words game you would like to play solo challenge in, select "Mastery > Solo Challenge" from the list of options available. The secret to winning more games is to use a word jumble solver tool that will help you solving difficult word tiles. So in this way you can win a hundred or more games to achieve a Mastery Level.