Home Blog Words With Friends or Words With Friends 2: What is the difference?

Words With Friends or Words With Friends 2: What is the difference?

Words With Friends is a multiplayer crossword game that you can play with people from all over the world. You have to find words in a grid of letters and use them to create as many words as possible. Can Words With Friends play with Words With Friends 2? Can I switch between games? Which is the best Words With Friends? What's new with Words With Friends 2? Find out answers to these questions and more.

Difference between Words With Friends and Words With Friends 2

There is not much difference in both games but in Words With Friends there is a chat option and in the other version you can't talk to your opponent. Words with Friends 2 updates with the new feature very early before the other.


For example, this version of the game has the ability to track your progress on the leaderboard and compare it with friends. You can also get notifications when it's your turn, or if one of your friends takes a turn. There are also new themes and backgrounds you can use in the game.

Can I switch between games?

Yes, it's easy but you have to uninstall one of them first before installing another.

Which is the best Words With Friends?

That depends on what style do you prefer: more words or shorter ones with bigger scores? or do you like chatting with your opponents? I would prefer more words with the best combination of new and old features.


What's new with Words With Friends 2?

In the latest version you can play up to 20 games simultaneously, there are different modes to choose from and also a pass and play mode. So, now there is something for everyone. The biggest thing in this new version of the game is the addition of 50 thousand words! It gets updated with new opponents and themes twice a month. Here people will also enjoy a new Solo Challenge mode in which you can play against the computer.

The game is available on both Android and iOS devices. You can download it for free from the App Store or Google Play. So, what are you waiting for? Get started with Words With Friends today!

So, now that you know a little bit more about Words With Friends and Words with Friends 2, what are you waiting for? Get playing! And don't forget to tell your friends all about the new features in Words With Friends 2. They'll be grateful you did! 😉 Moreover, we advise trying words cheat solver in getting help for the new version of the game also.